
(iterative writing)

As a society, we need to learn to express ourselves far more accessibly.

As a society, we need to learn to express ourselves far more effectively.

Society would benefit if we all strived to express ourselves effectively.

It is to the benefit of a society that it;s individual members all strived to express ourselves effectively.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to express themselves effectively.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to express themselves effectively in all things.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to express themselves accurately and effectively in all things.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to be capable of expressing themselves accurately and effectively in all things.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to be capable of expressing themselves accurately and effectively in all things if needed.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to be capable of expressing themselves accurately and effectively in all things when needed.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to be capable of expressing themselves accurately and effectively in all things when appropriate.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s individual members would strive to master expressing themselves accurately and effectively in all things, and yet still retain passion.

It is to the benefit of a society that it’s members strive to master expressing themselves coherently.

A story where one is incapable of expressing oneself is a tale of woe.

Fri Apr 24 12:53 AM 2015 (entry 1/2)

We all lie. It’s a defence we all use at one time or another.  We may do it to serve the greater good, to serve loved ones, or to serve none other than ourselves. An argument could be made that there are differing levels of nobility there, but the fundamental cause is still that sometimes we find the truth inconvenient.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in a society where we didn’t view this as a necessity? Are we capable of envisioning such a concept as being viable in any possible scenario?

Mon Apr 13 3:22 AM 2015

Gratefulness is the way to progress. It is a way of acknowledging that good things have happened. This allows you to be receptive to the notion, to believe, that more good can come. It helps avoid any self sabotaging, de facto limitations, by cultivating hope.

But be wary of greed. It will make you focus so much on what you want that you will forget to appreciate what you have. Always remain grateful.

Thu Mar 26 7:10 PM 2015

The secret to youth is change. When you are young you are fresh and new. If you stay the same your entire existence, the world will adapt to you and you will cease to be new. A constant evolution will ensure you remain relevant.

If something always stays the same, it is inert. There is no life.

If circumstances cause it to move, it is lively, until the initial energy transfer has rebalanced.

The same goes for a person. One can be revitalized by circumstances, but eventually return to stagnation until influenced again. A reactive disposition. One can also become the source of one’s own volition and choose to act despite outside conditions. A proactive disposition.

As always, the ability to exercise both approaches would allow one to be fully adaptable to whatever may transpire.

Thu Mar 26 12:50 AM 2015 (entry 1/3)

What if we lived our odyssey experiencing only favourable conditions? Would we know to avoid harm? Would we even know of harm? Would we fear loosing what we love? If there is only good, how could anything ever be bad? Does the bad truly define the good by contrast? If something exists, is it defined as such only by the possibility of not existing? If there were no possibility of inexistence, would there not still be existence? If there is no bad, would there not still be good? Can we be happy without ever experiencing sorrow?