2018-07(Jul)-08-Sun-1749 (entry 2/2)

Death ensures that change will happen. It reduces the odds of stagnation. If stagnation is staved, shall we need to die? If we ensure we avoid depletion, if we achieve balance? If we are immortal and forever change, who shall we become? What would we pursue? Or would we be immortal and never change yet somehow never stagnate?


To save the world.

  • Gain access to the global collective consciousness and become a ubiquitous and innocuous public figure.
  • Display the “less ! more ?” attitude. Display a tendency to question things reasonably and calmly. Demonstrate how this simplifies one’s control over their influence on the world and vice versa. Successfully navigate one’s fate, if you will. 
  • This offers for consideration an alternative to the current status quo. Let them choose as they will.
  • Eat cake and cookies.


I get it. It’s a fast world. We all want to go faster and faster. There’s never enough time for everything. It gets endlessly frustrating when something gets in our way or slows us down. But look at what we are sacrificing just trying to keep up and move forward. We spend less time informing ourselves properly. Social media memes and transient viral fads are not information sources, they are emotional gratification.  A few websites and blogs with fancy words and emotionally manipulative staging are not enough to truly understand a subject. Certainly not enough to cast a well informed judgement.

It almost seems as we are beginning to feel like our outrage is delegitimized. We are bombarded with so many crisis on a daily basis, and yet, we’re still here. After a while, we stopped caring as much. How could we react otherwise? Often, the crisis turned out to be exaggerated, or outright fabricated, or the threat is so abstract or intangible that we can barely relate to it. There are scams, cons, manipulations… On top of it all, at times we latch on to a side that somehow struck an emotional chord with us only to later find out, we picked the wrong side, we were played, or used.

How could we continue to care about everything. We don’t even have the time to learn what’s actually going on. We read the headlines and react. The prompter turns on and we cheer or boo as instructed, then we go back to paying the bills. It doesn’t even matter anymore about what’s right and best, it’s all about the confrontation. Winning the fight yet maintaining the status quo.