

This is a raw, largely unedited backlog of entries.


I keep an up-to-date-ish version of this queued up as a redundancy measure against loss of material. Also, I like to step away from stuff I write and come back to it fresh to do an edit pass. That’s why I don’t just queue everything right away. If I ever just stop updating this blog for whatever reason, most likely due to loosing a password or interest, at least everything that was yet to be edited and posted would be available, in a rough state. May it be of some help.



(I am not yet satisfied with the current state of this entry. But as always, this log is more draft than final product.)

In order to fully understand my own position on contemporary debates, I question my own position.


I cannot question the constituent parts of this subject in a vacuum. I favour a holistic approach.

On one side you have GMOs and other modern advancements, often associated with corporate greed and harmful practices. On the other  side you have natural selection and means of production utilizing less technological assistance and enhancement, often associated with a more “new age” community that ironically favour old fashion practices. 

Natural selection ensures that any change is tested in practical application. A single organism with a slight mutation will only survive to spread that unique characteristic if that modification allows it to. Bonus points if the modification actually increases the ability to survive and thrive. One of the problems is that, especially on the scale of a single human life span, the process is slow and random. An argument can be made weather deliberate adaptations are a thing, but the modification must still be applied to and tested by reality before it becomes widespread. This typically still takes many generations. The testing is dynamic and never stops. If conditions change, for example; if average temperatures raise by five degrees, the organism must be capable of success in those new conditions. Otherwise, the new format will be discarded by natural selection.

On the other hand, you have GMOs. Ideally, modern means of artificially increasing efficiency could be greatly beneficial. It is much faster than natural selection and much more deliberate. We can exercise foresight, in that we can tailor an organism to prosper in an environment of our choosing. We can control conditions to favour something with greater benefits than “good enough to survive”. We can make positive changes become widespread much faster than natural selection ever could. Surely these are beliefs that creative minds hold, but those minds are not always the only ones making final decisions where GMOs and other modern technics are concerned. This brings us to the matter of motives.

If a new version of an organism can increase monetary profit to establish a multi billions dollar industry, this is were profit becomes a deciding factor. If you can make billions, but the new product is know to cause damages that will cost you millions, being motivated by profit makes it a logical decision to go ahead with the new product. When we’re talking billions (sometimes trillions), profit becomes the apex motivator. Does anyone expect a company to turn their backs on billions upon billions if the only immediate repercussions are a few million in damages, or a few tenuously related deaths, or widespread but poorly defined health or ecological problems, especially if the decision makers are unaffected? In no reality is that scenario plausible. Not while monetary profit is a deciding factor.

We cannot approach the constituent parts of this subject as if they exist in a vacuum. As long as monetary profit is a deciding factor in how modern practices are applied, we are at risk of causing great harm by circumventing natural selection. There is great benefit to doing things more efficiently, but the prospect of immediate profit blinds us to potential pitfalls that could otherwise be easily avoided.

All this to say; greed will be our downfall.



If we want progress, we need multiple distinct cultures that share with each other. No significant human progress worth mentioning was ever made through isolation. 

Real leaps forward are few and far between. Multiple cultures that push in different directions increases the odds of major human progress, no matter how exotic or unfamiliar the direction is for everyone else. When those advancements are disseminated, they become part of the base starting point we all share. We all use tools, we all know fire, we all have language. Farming, processing metals, art, the notion that humans can fly… Huge swaths of wildly diverse humanity have these in common. Electric power, mass communication, entertainment… We need to share these. We need to raise ourselves as a species through our collective ideas and innovations.

We need to allow different people to go in different directions. At the same time, we need to work together, as equals, and freely share what we discover. We will all benefit.


I envision a world of equals where every individual has the means and opportunity, both practical and mental, to achieve whatever it is they wish, all while remaining considerate and accommodating towards all around them.


Solve the conundrum.


I want our future to be awesome.

The reward/encouragement system of the human body greatly emphasizes serving others to ensure the survival and prosperity of the gene pool as a whole.

Caring for others is rewarded. Helping others is rewarded. Protecting others is rewarded. There’s a reason our bodies ended up wired to pump us full of happy juices under specific circumstances. It helps increase the odds of maintaining a strong gene pool that will survive day to day life. We’ve even pulled through a few catastrophes with this system. If we’re all kind to each other, we will be a strong and capable species.


One day, we all come upon the most demanding day of our lives. Do we want to do so having missed so many opportunities to train ourselves to be as capable as possible at all times?


Why does there seem to be a small portion of the population with the drive to train themselves and become incredibly capable. The valuing of comfort has become such that the disparity in progress could cause a split in the human species, over the course on a great many generations, of course. I believe we are capable of exerting enough will to go against our nature and force ourselves to feel that same level of drive.

Although, if the human population would suddenly become hyper productive, I would hope we would also become much less sloppy in our harvesting and processing of resources. As things stand, we would be a a tornado of waste until we burnt out in a cosmic blink of an eye.


Everyone being comfortable is better than a few wealthy and many impoverished. You don’t need to have more than everyone else. You just need an abundance of means and opportunity for all. 


When do we get to the golden age of humanity, again?

Do you think we’re in one right now? If we took a survey of all seven plus billions humans on the planet and asked them to rate the current state of humanity on a scale of one to ten, one being a dark age, ten being a golden age, what would the result be? Unless the average is around eight, nine or ten, can we really consider the species to be in a golden age? I doubt the average would be that high. So again, when and how do we get to our golden age?


On of the tragedies of humanity’s proliferation is the unconscionable amount of natural evolution that is no longer happening on earth because of how we control things. Darwinism has hit a bump in the road.


Less “!”

More “?”

Otherwise known as;

Less opinions, more questions.


We should stop trying to differentiate ourselves and determining borders. I get it, we’re all different. Can we start figuring out where we are going from here?


I want to open the flood gates and give everyone the option of being prosperous and fulfilled.


The notion of leaving your past behind and starting over has taken another blow with the advent of the internet. The past now stays, forever. I predict an industry of online history scrubbing services. Identity may event become malleable. Human society would end up changing quite a bit. I guess I can see the appeal. We could stick a cool landing if we plan this out.


Growing up in controlled environments does not breed excellence. The sooner you find yourself needing to fend for yourself, the sooner you will appreciate the value of community.


This is my quest; Getting whatever I need to squirt that magical brain juice that makes me unstoppable. Figuring out how to make that happen and then make it happen. Please, I promise this’ll help people.


Whatever spear shaped social structure we end up with, whatever villages, clans, families, countries, 


How to ignite Force of Will.


If you go around making all kinds of noise, it’d be nice if you had something to say worth listening to.


I try to go easy with the word “actually”. It’s an adverb with lots of syllables often used to sound smart without putting any effort into it. “Basically” gets abused just as much.


Hearing and listening are two different things. Hearing could mean it got pushed on you. Listening means you put some effort into it.


(editing required)

A topical subject: 

I don’t know what it’s like for anyone else, but I find that once in a while, I have to rest from being high. Do I have to rest from being sober? No, but it would be a shame to deny myself the benefits of being high.

Being sober is just as beneficial as being high. It is generally more beneficial than either of those states used in exclusivity.

Either is good, but if you have access to both, why not use them together? Use the various benefits of cannabis, and use sobriety.


What is humanity about? What is our story? What does humanity want?


Doing to others as you would have them do to you is called principal. Doing to other as they have done to you is called vengeance. There’s a difference.