
As an optimistic view; When I see an animal, something generally considered less “evolved” than humans (not inferior, just at a different point in whatever evolutionary path they are on), when I see a less evolved animal recognize itself in a mirror, or use a tool, or display kindness towards other animals (especially of different species), I am elated. It fills me with a great sense of awe and admiration towards the beauty of life. With the advent of online videos being hosted with comment sections, that sentiment reveals itself to be a natural one in society. It is a wondrous thing.

I have no fears about humanity encountering something more evolved than us. If we are kind, if we express ourselves and are creative, if we try, I believe we would be seen as good and worthy of compassion. They would be as enchanted seeing us as we are seeing a chimp realizing it is looking at its reflection in a mirror and not another chimp.

Life is never so wondrous as when a form of life experiences a sense of wonderment.


I really, really don’t like waste.

This may seem benign, but it is a personal realization of some import. I don’t like wasting opportunities. I don’t like wasting resources. 

I just have to find a good version of “I dislike waste”. One constructed with positives rather than negatives. What is it I’m trying to pursue by avoiding waste? I guess I also obsess over wording.


(publication note: This blog is a publication of a log of ideas and thoughts. I like following a train of though to see where it leads. This leads to some of these entires being partly of even fully nonsensical. This one makes sense in my mind, I even have a visual for it, but I lack the capacity for expression to effectively convey this.) 

The principal of orders of magnitude and graphs in representing reality.

Scales are infinite in the grand scheme of things. Cycles in the world always go up and down. There’s always a duality. A binary spectrum. Up and down, up and down… The movement can tend towards constant overall progression in a particular direction, but stepping back another scale or two and you’ll see the usual up and down, until you pull back more and see a constant progression again. On and on it goes.

If progression was an exponential curve, there would be a point where it could simply not pass. A singularity. On a graph, you would have limited infinity.


We always get exactly what we deserve.

We need to acknowledge that this, the current state of our society, is the result of our choices, our actions, and lack thereof. On the individual level, there are some injustices. But on the “human species” scale, we have walked a path that has led us here. Let’s have a good long think and choose where we go next.

2018-05(may)-18-Fri-0548 (entry 1/2)

What if I direct my self preservation so that when I start being an asshole, my reaction will be to be kind?

I would simply have to remind myself that the long term gains are mush higher for everyone if I am perceived as a good person. Communication is more effective and community, with all it’s benefits, emerges. For that I have to BE a good person. (Maintaining a charade of that level is impractical. Actually being kind is simpler.)

I just have to manage to hold that notion strongly enough that it does not falter when emotional impulses lure me towards selfish behaviours for short term (id est: shortsighted) gains.


It doesn’t matter what we master. If we master it, it will enlighten all else that we do. There are many paths that lead to mastery, but they all lead to mastery. Mastery is perfect understanding of something. The closer we are, the more that understanding can be applied to anything else. If we perfectly understand one thing, we can perfectly understand many other things. Bakers can compare any aspect of life to baking. The same goes for painters, builders, any medium, any skillset. Apply yourself. Master something, and you will master everything.