
I laugh as everyone debates over wether climate change is real. That argument can not be won by either side. It is futile. So change the approach.

Should we not be as clean as possible just for the sake of not being a slob? Do you not understand that if you leave depletion and squalor in your wake, you SUCK at what you are doing? You are a crass slob, regardless or any gains.

A person who accomplishes a fruitful existence without making a mess is masterful. A person who “has no choice” but to devastate is incompetent.

Do you like going into the kitchen to find a mess someone else left behind? No? Neither does anyone else. Don’t be a fucking slob.


If you can’t walk down the road without a cane, what will you do when you come upon a mountain?

Sure, there are obvious situations where a cane is necessary. But far too often do we rely on support rather than capitalize on an opportunity to push ourselves a little harder, increasing our baseline abilities.

I worked in a factory as a young adult. There was a time where it became popular to wear back braces at work. These were simple elastic bands of fabric, wrapped around one’s midsection, providing support to the spine and back muscles through compression. Some variants had suspender type straps going over the shoulders. The added support was pleasant and the practice did in fact reduce back injuries, at first. A year or two latter the word was passed around to avoid wearing them unless to compensate for an injury. The braces allowed a worker’s back to function with less exertion, causing atrophy. People went home, took their back braces off, bent over to pick something up off the ground, and ended up in the hospital with a thrown back.

If you NEED support or assistance, seek it. But don’t be so quick to convince yourself that you NEED it. Allow yourself to be strong.


Instead of criticizing new trends and advancements and complaining about how “it was better in our time”, it’d be nice if we focussed on making sure the good aspects of the past are kept and integrated into the new.

Every generation has its share of foibles. It’s just that experience makes it easier to see shortcomings, and since things evened out in the end, we tend to think we had some measure of success, despite our imperfection. However, we have no such perspective where newer generations are concerned. We are so critical of the faults that the younger generations exhibit, that we forget to fully appreciate the good things about them. We kinda default to “it was better before”. 

How about we take the best of all generations combined and make a super perfect version of us?

Blog update

I haven’t been keeping up with posts for a while now. The back log was all but exhausted and I’ve been in an excessively unproductive headspace for some time. Since the interruption, I have logged a few entries here and there.

Though my headspace hasn’t taken any significant upswings, regular Monday and Friday postings will now resume until exhaustion of the new backlog. The quality and/or substance of the new posts feels more uneven than previous entries, but stumbling forward is better than stagnation, I guess. The discipline of consistency has proven a good exercise in the past.

The last post was just a queued backlog. I’ve decided to pick up after the last entry of that post, which was 2018-10(Oct)-20-Sat-1138. It’s a bit messy, but at least I’m moving forward. As of this writing there is a backlog of approximately 2 months of biweekly posts, Mondays and Fridays.

I wish everyone a pleasantly fulfilling day.